Apply Now For A FREE Strategy Call With An Artist Coach
We have limited spaces on offer for a FREE Strategy Call with an Artist Coach. This 45 minute call (valued at $175) is for artists who are ready to take massive action and take their art practice to the next level. It is for artists who want to talk about the business side of their art and are wanting to work hard on themselves. The call is with an Artist Coachwho has worked for over 30 years in the creative industries. He has a unique combination of artistic creativity, marketing know-how and business acumen. He will help you get clear and moved by a powerful vision for your art business and will help you figure out any obstacles that are getting in your way and what you can do about it.
First Name*
Last Name*
Mobile/Cell (including country code)*
Where did you hear about us?*
Give us some links to where we can find out about you and your work online*
About You
Tell us about your artistic practice*
How long have you been in operation (actively selling yourself / your art)*
I’m not yet in operation
Less than a year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5-10 years
More than 10 years
How much money have you made from your art in the last 12 months?*
$0k - $5k
$5k - $20k
$20k - $50k
$50 - $100k
$100k +
Do you know who your target market/audience is?*
Belief & Confidence is an issue for me*
Time management is an issue for me*
Finding customers or audiences is an issue for me*
Focus is an issue for me*
How to make more money is an issue for me*
What aspects of your arts business do you feel hold you back from success?*
Do you have an interest in learning more about marketing your art and how to sell more of it? *
Do you have an interest in learning and talking about the business side of your art?*
Do you have an interest in changing your limiting beliefs?*
What factors do you believe relate to being a more successful artist?*
Do you have the finances to invest in learning new skills and to invest in your business? If not, are you willing to get resourceful?*
And finally, tell us what you would want to get out of the call and why it would be useful for you?*